Conversion of Talos+ predictions into dihedral angle restraints in CNS tbl format.
TalosPlus2Aria.py — Python Source, 8 KB (8924 bytes)
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""" This module provides some classes for the conversion of TALOS output files to phi/psi- and hbond restraints. When invoked from the command line it prints to specified filenames in the current directory otherwise it needs filenames/parameters as argument. Author: Jens P. Linge, Institut Pasteur, July 2001 Alexandre Bonvin, Utrecht University Modifield for TALOS+: B. Bardiaux 2014 """ __author__ = "$Author: bardiaux $" __revision__ = "$Revision: $" __date__ = "$Date: 2010/03/23 15:27:24 $" import os, string, StringIO #some utility functions, taken from Niklas Blomberg's Csi2Aria.py file: def makePhiRestraint(aa,angle,error): return '! Talos derived phi restraint:\nassign (resid %3i and name C)\n (resid %3i and name N)\n (resid %3i and name CA)\n (resid %3i and name C)\n 1.0 %3i %3i 2\n\n' % (aa-1,aa,aa,aa,angle,error) def makePsiRestraint(aa,angle,error): return '! Talos derived psi restraint:\nassign (resid %3i and name N)\n (resid %3i and name CA)\n (resid %3i and name C)\n (resid %3i and name N)\n 1.0 %3i %3i 2\n\n' % (aa,aa,aa,aa+1,angle,error) def makeBondRestraint(atom,parameters): return '! Talos derived psi restraint:\nassign (resid %3i and name %s) (resid %3i:%3i and name %s) %3.1f %3.1f %3.1f \n\n' % (atom,parameters[1],atom-parameters[0][0]-parameters[0][1],atom-parameters[0][0]+parameters[0][2],parameters[2],parameters[3],parameters[4],parameters[5]) class ReadTalos: """ a parser for Talos files public methods: parseTalos reads a talos file parseTalosString reads a string containing a talos file parseTalosStream reads a stream containing a talos file writeCNS writes a CNS formatted restraint file, e.g. for ARIA attributes: residues a list of residue instances """ def __init__(self): self.residues = [] self.talosFN = None self.talosString = None def parseTalos(self, talosFileName): """ opens a file, feeds one big String as a stream to parseTalosString and returns the list from parseTalosString """ self.talosFN = talosFileName if os.path.exists(talosFileName) == 0: print 'WARNING:', talosFileName, 'does not exist.' print ' ParseTalosmethod aborted!' return print 'reading', talosFileName fileStream = open(talosFileName, 'r') return self.parseTalosStream(fileStream) def parseTalosString(self, inputString): """ accepts a string, converts it to a stream and uses parseTalosStream """ self.talosString = inputString SIO = StringIO(inputString) return self.parseTalosStream(SIO) def parseTalosStream(self, inputStream): """ parseTalosStream returns a list of lists which contains: 0 residue number 1 one-letter code 2 phi 3 psi 4 delta phi 5 delta psi """ self.residues = [] #removes old residues! varsList = [] formatList = [] for line in inputStream.readlines(): linelist=string.split(line) if len(linelist) < 5 or linelist[0] == 'REMARK' or \ linelist[0] == 'DATA': continue elif linelist[0] == 'VARS': varsList = linelist #for safety reasons, do a simple check: expectedLine = "VARS RESID RESNAME PHI PSI DPHI DPSI DIST S2 COUNT CS_COUNT CLASS" if (len(varsList) < 11) or \ varsList[1] != "RESID" or \ varsList[2] != "RESNAME" or \ varsList[3] != "PHI" or \ varsList[4] != "PSI" or \ varsList[5] != "DPHI" or \ varsList[6] != "DPSI" or \ varsList[7] != "DIST" or \ varsList[8] != "S2" or \ varsList[9] != "COUNT" or \ varsList[10] != "CS_COUNT" or \ varsList[11] != "CLASS": print "WARNING: The Talos format VARS description is corrupted in your file!" print " expected:" print expectedLine print " found in your file:" print line print "WARNING: Please check your Talos input file!" continue elif linelist[0] == 'FORMAT': formatList = linelist weAreInTheHeader = 0 continue #start parsing the actual data: RES = residue(linelist[0],\ linelist[1],\ linelist[2],\ linelist[3],\ linelist[4],\ linelist[5],\ linelist[6],\ linelist[8],\ linelist[10]) self.residues.append(RES) def writeCNS(self, fileName=None, errorFactor=2.0, phiError=None, psiError=None, useDyn=False, onlyPhiPsi=None): """ writes a CNS formatted phi/psi restraint file for CNS & ARIA INPUT: fileName of the CNS dihedral restraint file errorFactor is multiplied on the given phi/psi Talos error ranges if phiError is specified, it is used as minimum error if psiError is specified, it is used as minimum error if onlyPhiPsi='phi', writes only phi restraints if onlyPhiPsi='psi', writes only psi restraints """ try: file=open(fileName,'w') except: print 'WARNING: could not open ' + fileName print ' method writeCNS aborted!' return # Talos+ if useDyn == 'yes': useDyn = True #1. phi & psi restraints: phiRestraints = '' psiRestraints = '' for iii in self.residues: if iii.className == 'Good' or (iii.className == 'Dyn' and useDyn is True): #1. phi: if phiError: phiRestraints = phiRestraints +\ makePhiRestraint(string.atoi(iii.resid), string.atof(iii.phi), \ max(string.atof(iii.dphi)*string.atof(errorFactor),string.atof(phiError))) else: phiRestraints = phiRestraints +\ makePhiRestraint(string.atoi(iii.resid), string.atof(iii.phi), \ string.atof(iii.dphi)*string.atof(errorFactor)) #2. psi: if psiError: psiRestraints = psiRestraints +\ makePsiRestraint(string.atoi(iii.resid), string.atof(iii.psi), \ max(string.atof(iii.dpsi)*string.atof(errorFactor),string.atof(psiError))) else: psiRestraints = psiRestraints +\ makePsiRestraint(string.atoi(iii.resid), string.atof(iii.psi), \ string.atof(iii.dpsi)*string.atof(errorFactor)) headerString = """! phi and psi dihedral restraint file generated by Talos+2Aria.py ! ! TALOS+ filename: ! %s ! ! settings: min phiError=%s, min psiError=%s, errorFactor=%s ! """ % (self.talosFN, phiError, psiError, errorFactor) file.write(headerString) if onlyPhiPsi != 'psi': file.write(phiRestraints) if onlyPhiPsi != 'phi': file.write(psiRestraints) file.close() return class residue: """ a data container for: RESID RESNAME PHI PSI DPHI DPSI DIST COUNT CLASS """ def __init__(self, resid, resname, phi, psi, dphi, dpsi, dist, count, className): self.resid = resid self.resname = resname self.phi = phi self.psi = psi self.dphi = dphi self.dpsi = dpsi self.dist = dist self.count = count self.className = className ############################################################################### if __name__ == "__main__": import sys, os args = [None, './talos_phi_psi.tbl', None, None, 'no'] if len(sys.argv) == 1: print "Usage: Talos+2Aria talos_file [cns_file] [phi_error] [psi_error] [use Dyn predictions yes/no]" sys.exit(1) else: args[:len(sys.argv) - 1] = sys.argv[1:] print args RT = ReadTalos() RT.parseTalos(args[0]) print 'writing CNS/ARIA dihedral restraint file: %s' % args[1] RT.writeCNS(args[1], errorFactor=2.0, phiError = args[2], psiError = args[3], useDyn=args[4])